
Sustainability in Production

A short-term solution

I mange virksomheder er det altafgørende, at maskinerne og udstyret fungerer helt efter bogen og uden nedbrud.

Et nedbrud i produktionen kan være en stor omkostning. Når et nedbrud sker, vælger nogle virksomheder at købe en ny maskine, så de hurtigt kan starte produktionen op igen.

Det kan dog være en markant udgift, men ikke mindst er det også skidt for miljøet. Det er derfor en kortvarig løsning at købe fra helt nyt – det løser problemet her og nu, men både den økonomiske og den miljømæssige regning følger med.

I mange tilfælde kan det betale sig både at vedligeholde og reparere maskinen i stedet for at købe nyt.

Afdelingsleder i PRO-CONSULT, Jørgen Romme, nævner: ”customers buy new because they don't necessarily consider that electronics can be repaired”. There may be an assumption that it cannot be answered - but it actually can in many cases.


To replace rather than buying new equipment

In fact, sustainability is being demanded more and more between companies. Demand for sustainability has increased with 75%, according to an analysis from Danish Industry. It can therefore be an advantage for companies to think about sustainability even more than they already do.

Before a breakdown even occurs, companies can focus on the maintenance of the machines. Many companies already focus on the maintenance of the mechanical parts, but the maintenance of the electronic parts is at least as important. Unfortunately, the electronic parts are often overlooked.

Several local specialists, including PRO-CONSULT, can service machines and thus prevent a number of breakdowns. In the event of a breakdown, technical experts can also repair and troubleshoot on the machines. This can be a great advantage for a production company, because they can thus postpone the cost of a new machine. It is both good for the economy and the environment.
