
Sales of Spare Parts

Electronics and Automation components

Components - at PRO-CONSULT we can provide virtually all types of components within electronics and automation equipment. We supply components to a large number of Danish and foreign companies. 

We provide all types of components

Do you need components for a machine or a plant? We have a wide selection of both new and discontinued models.  

Wwe have achieved a solid cooperation with many different manufacturers througout the years. Therefore, we can offer all the components that you need in your business. We can deliver everything right from PLCs, operator panels, servo drives, sensors to engines and pumps – yes, the list is long.

Our skilled sales department is always ready by the phone for you. We help you find the right components for your machine or plant.

sale of components
sale of components

We deliver all components

Do you have an older machine where the parts have been discontinued? We have specialized in delivering discontinued components and parts. In addition, we have a large stock of discontinued components, so we can find what you need.

It is important that your machine or plant quickly gets up and running again. PRO-CONSULT is ready to assist you. Contact us today and we will help you right away.

Specialists in Industrial Electronics

We are experts in repairing, troubleshooting and selling electronics for business. With us you get personal advice and you can always catch us on the phone. Contact us today and have a chat about how we can help you.
