

Reparation, fejlfinding og salg af Pepperl+Fuchs.

Pepperl+Fuchs - sensorer og meget mere

Pepperl+Fuchs er kendt for deres sensorer samt elektriske eksplosionsbeskyttelse.

Vi har solgt produkter fra mærket til den danske industri lige siden vores grundlæggelse i 1989.

We offer, among other things

Søger du noget, som ikke står på listen? Så kontakt os – vi kan levere det hele.

Søger du en udgået del?

Is the model you are looking for discontinued? Our sales department are experts in procuring models that have been withdrawn from the market. In this way, we can extend the lifetime of your machine or plant.

Do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you find the right part for you.


Repair by Pepperl+Fuchs

We always focus on reducing downtime on your machine or plant. We are specialists in repairing electronics and automation equipment - and you can get hold of us around the clock.

Et indgående kendskab til Pepperl+Fuchs

Lige siden vores grundlæggelse i 1989 har vi repareret produkter fra mærket. Derfor har vi efterhånden et godt indblik i udstyret, og vi har set de fleste typer skader.

We therefore have solid knowledge of the brand and do what we can to help your production start again as soon as possible.

Passionede eksperter - din servicepartner

Vores mission er at blive den foretrukne servicepartner i branchen. Det vil vi opnå gennem god og nærværende service - og effektive og pålidelige reparationer.

FAQ - Pepperl+Fuchs

We sell a wide selection of products from Pepperl+Fuchs, including industrial sensors, interface modules, automation solutions, explosion protection and much more. Our range covers both standard products and more specialized solutions.

We can also provide discontinued models that can no longer be found on the market. Contact us today to find out more.

We can repair a wide range of devices including sensors, interface modules, control systems, signal converters and much more. You can always contact us and ask if it is a task for us.

You can always send your equipment to us. If necessary, use ours delivery note. Alternatively, the equipment can be handed in to one of our three departments in Viby Sjælland, Vejle or Padborg. 

If the equipment cannot be sent, we also carry out repairs on site.

Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 1945 i Mannheim, Tyskland. I dag er virksomhedens fokus primært elektrisk eksplosionsbeskyttelse og sensorteknologi.

Virksomeden har i dag over 6850 ansatte på verdensplan og et salg på 930 millioner euros i 2023, ifølge virksomhedens official website.
