
Valmar ice machines

Valmar ice machines

We specialize in servicing and selling commercial ice cream machines. We have therefore become an authorized dealer of Valmar ice machines, which is a first class ice machine.

Advantages of Valmar Ice Cream Machines

Valmar blev grundlagt i 1987 og har specialiseret sig i kunsten i at fremstille is lige siden. Valmar har udviklet ismaskiner til industri, der kan fremstille op til 28kg is per produktion.

Valmars professionelle ismaskiner findes i mange forskellige varianter og med mange forskellige funktioner. Ved hjælp af ismaskinen kan du fremstille is med en perfekt konsistens og tekstur. Valmars ismaskiner er nemlig udstyret med et måleinstrument, som måler isens konsistens undervejs i fremstillingen. Således fås den perfekte konsistens – hver gang.

Valmar ice cream machines are the perfect choice for companies that would like to offer their customers homemade ice cream. The machines function well in both restaurants, small cafes and restaurants. They are also available in smaller sizes that fit into most kitchens.

Contact us to get a offer on a Valmar ice machine.

ice machine industry

Test an Ice Cream Maker Before You Decide

We offer endagskurser i fremstilling af is, hvor du lærer, hvordan en ismaskine til industri betjenes, samt hvordan du fremstiller velsmagende is. Således kan du afprøve maskinen inden du beslutter dig. Når du har gennemført kurset, er du ekspert i at fremstille is på ismaskiner til industri og du får et diplom på din deltagelse.

If you subsequently buy a Valmar ice machine through us, you will get the price of the course deducted from the price of the machine. When purchasing, you just have to state that you or one of your employees has taken part in the course. It is a requirement that the invoicing takes place to the same CVR number. Contact us for dates and price. We hold ongoing courses.

Repair of Commercial Ice Cream Machines

It is important to maintain your ice cream machine, and we therefore offer repair and maintenance of commercial ice cream machines. If the ice cream machine needs to be repaired, we have an on-site service.

Founded in 1987

Valmar was founded in 1987 and specializes in efficient freezers and commercial ice cream machines that produce up to 28 kg of ice at a time. Valmar has a large selection of ice machines for industry, suitable for both small and large companies.
