
Repair of solar cell inverter

We offer solar cell inverter repair throughout Denmark. We have 35 years of experience as a repairer.

Repair of solar cell inverters throughout Denmark

Er der fejl på din inverter?

We repair all types of solar inverters, including from Danfoss, Fronuis, Carlo Gavazzi, KOSTAL, Huawei, Growatt and Solex. 

Efficient and quick repair

We have been repairing solar cell inverters for the past 35 years, and have built up solid experience in the field. 

We understand how important it is to get your plant back up and running, and we'll do what we can to get you up and running again.

Good service

Our goal is always to achieve high customer satisfaction. We do what we can to provide the best experience for all our customers. 

Our mission is to become the preferred business partner in the industry.

OBS: Vi reparerer kun for virksomhed/erhverv.

solar inverter repair
repair of solar cells

Repair of solar cell inverter on-site and in the workshop

Repair at workshop

Oplever du fejl på din inverter? Du kan aflevere din solcelle inverter på en af vores tre værksteder eller sende den til os. 

The workshops are staffed by a team of skilled technicians who have many years of experience in repairing solar cell inverters. 

On-site repair

We have outbound service and repair solar cell inverters at your place, if necessary. From our three offices in Viby Sjælland, Vejle and Padborg we drive out to companies throughout Denmark and abroad. 

Reparation af invertere hos PRO-CONSULT

Vi tilbyder effektiv og hurtig reparation. Fejl i invertere repareres hurtigt og effektivt.

Solcelle inverter - reparation

What is a solar inverter and how are solar inverters repaired? Read along here.

What is a solar inverter?

A solar inverter, also known as a PV inverter, is an essential component of a solar system. Its primary function is to convert the direct current (DC) generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) which can be used in households and businesses or fed into the grid.

Uden en fungerende solcelle inverter ville energien fra solcellepanelerne ikke kunne anvendes effektivt. Der findes forskellige typer solcelle invertere, såsom strenget invertere, mikro invertere og hybrid invertere, som hver har deres egne specifikationer og anvendelsesområder1.

Fejl på inverter?

Der kan være mange årsager til, at en inverter melder fejl. Fejlen kan skyldes alt lige fra lynnedslag til fejl på printpladen. Vi løser alle typer af fejl på invertere.

Focus on sustainability

It may be a good idea to have solar inverters repaired instead of buying new ones. It will be beneficial for the environment if the electronics are not scrapped when they are defective. Most electronics can be refurbished and used again.

We are ready to help you

You can always reach us on +45 4648 2060. We don't have long telephone menus – you get through directly to an employee. 

PRO-CONSULT - din reparatør af solcelle invertere

PRO-CONSULT er et pålideligt valg, når det gælder reparation af solcelleinvertere.

Med mere end 35 års erfaring i branchen har vi opbygget ekspertise i reparation og service af en lang række teknologiske løsninger, herunder solcelleinvertere. 

Personlig serivce

Vi vægter god og personlig service meget højt. Når du ringer til os, kommer du derfor direkte igennem til en medarbejder, der hjælper dig videre. 

Vi arbejder ud fra en agil tankegang, og er omstillingsparate. Har du en problemstilling, der er lidt udover det sædvanlige, så klarer vi også det.

solar inverter repair